The Barn


This picture was taken 3 years ago.  One of the beams from the 911 site was traveling from east to west coast.  The fireman that were transporting it across the nation needed to stop for a break, and they somehow ended up at our place.  The performed a brief ceremony and continued on.  While they were there they took a picture.  That is our old run down barn in the background.  It was really a neat thing.  They were nice enough to share this photograph with us.   

Look Again

Around here we have a beautiful Iowa landscape to look at, plenty to do, see, and be thankful for.  Sometimes when I feel like taking pictures I walk out into the yard and it seems like I have taken pictures of all of this stuff before.  Then I just keep going and sometimes I end up with something that maybe isn’t the best picture in the world.  But, rather from a new view.  So, everywhere you go and in everything you do, Look Again.


Too Chicken Or Not to Chicken

These chickens do not belong to me.  I took this picture a couple of years ago.  It reminds me that I still would like to have some chickens.  Maybe when some of our other projects around here settle down I will think about it more seriously.  In the meantime, I think I will start gathering more information about it.  If any of you have any experience and or advice for laying hens I would like to hear about it.